True Friends
Whenever life gets you down,
Remember I'll always be around;
All you have to do is call.
Whenever life gets you down,
Remember I'll always be around;
All you have to do is call.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed." This short poem reflects this idea. One can feel happy if he/she has at least one true friend.
In a silent world of forgotten dreams,
Where disappointments and heartaches lie.
A world where hopes and dreams have died
And bid their last goodbye.
in Christmas Poems
C- Christmas Day, the church bells ring
H- Holy night, the angels sing
R- Rejoice and praise
I- In Christ our King
in Dream Poems
I often lie awake at night
While the world is fast asleep
And take a stroll down memory lane
Where ghosts and shadows meet.
in In Memory Poems
The days fade and die.
The years have flown by.
Loved ones have passed;
Now only memories remain.
in Beauty of Nature Poems
Of all the artists
who have graced our world,
however great they were,
Still I hear those voices
From a time so long ago.
I see so many faces
But not the one I love and know.
A beautiful poem
I have just lost my Wife Teresa on Sep 5th after 56 years of marriage I feel empty and lost and hurting inside. I miss her so much she was the love of my life.
in Home Poems
The old house stands alone and abandoned
Where life once used to thrive.
The old picket fence is broken.
The roof is opened up to the sky.
in Dream Poems
I'm living in my own little world.
I'm happy there, it's okay.
It's much more fun than the real one,
For the sun shines every day.
No more shaking hands.
Don't touch your face.
Never stand too close
In a crowded place.
Excellent topical poem to us all over the world with what we are faced with. We must take responsibility not for just for him/herself and one's nearest and dearest but for all people of the...