My God
in God Poems
God is my Saviour
God is my friend.
God lights my way
Whenever darkness descends.
A poem's but a whisper
That lingers on the breeze.
A few unspoken words
Appear like falling leaves.
in Limericks
The most overused word is (Like )
A word I rather dislike
The young generation
Would lose communication
in Christmas Poems
It's such a warming feeling
Being surrounded by Christmas
Expectation fills the air.
The sparkle, the glitter
Across a white December night,
Each home is filled with candle light.
The moon shines brightly in a golden sky.
Stars are twinkling way up high.
Dark and mysterious creepy night.
Pumpkin masks shining bright.
Scary monsters, witches' brew.
Trick or treat, you have to choose.
in Spiritual Poems about Nature
Rainbows paint a picture
On a showery summer's day.
The wind is just a whisper
To blow your cares away.
in Dream Poems
I'm living in my own little world.
I'm happy there, it's okay.
It's much more fun than the real one,
For the sun shines every day.
in Home Poems
The old house stands alone and abandoned
Where life once used to thrive.
The old picket fence is broken.
The roof is opened up to the sky.