Jamie Firestine

Jamie Firestine

About Jamie Firestine

From a young age, I loved writing poetry. It brings me peace and joy to share my experiences in my writings with people around the world. I hope they inspire those who are struggling to keep moving forward. As always, giving all my best. Xoxo
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    Poems by Jamie Firestine

  • Our Society

    The society we live in causes hatred toward others and even ourselves. The time for change is now!

    • pending
    • Posted on 07/29/20

    in Change Poems

    Welcome to our society

    Where we judge others by their sex and their race
    By their clothes and appearance

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    • Rating 3.40
  • Wake Up, Repeat

    • Published: June 2020

    in Depression Poems

    She looks in the mirror, and what does she see?
    Something frail, broken, and unfree.
    She sees the pain swollen in her eyes.
    She sees the cuts she marked on her thighs.


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    This poem describes me. I wear a mask all the time, and I am depressed all the time and self-harm almost every day.

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  • What If?

    • Published: May 2013

    in Bullying Poems

    Bullying hurts, don't you see?
    You are nothing, but a big bully
    Don't you think of what could have been?
    What if they put a razor to their skin?


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    • Votes 1114
    • Rating 4.49
    Featured Shared Story

    This poem is going to help me and some other people in the club that we are starting at my school the "bully repellent club".

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  • Jamie Firestine, Fort Wayne, Indiana
  • 10 years ago

Thanks to everyone who commented and voted! It means a great deal to me and I appreciate all the comments. Stay strong and never lose hope. xoxo

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