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in Inspirational Poems
Time flies and memories fade.
People change and new friendships are made.
Only the true remain forever at our side.
Eventually the disappointment and pain will subside.
Time flies and memories fade.
People change and new friendships are made.
Only the true remain forever at our side.
Eventually the disappointment and pain will subside.
It is all about the journey and what has yet to come.
Life is what you make of it; you are what you've become.
Life is too short to hold onto regrets.
Forgiveness is key even though you may never forget.
Cherish the good and remove the bad.
Some people don't realize till it's gone what they've had.
Moving on is a way of life.
There will always be obstacles, pain, and strife.
You must believe that you are strong enough to fight.
You have to believe in yourself to do what is right.
Always do for YOU no matter what you do,
Because in the end the only one who has your back is you.
Never be afraid to take a stand,
And always be willing to lend a helping hand.
A little bit goes a long way.
All it takes is a smile to brighten someone's day.
Your chance to live is now, so what are you waiting for?
The world is yours for the taking and so much more.
Endless possibilities are forever at your disposal.
The chance to live another day is life's golden proposal.
Never let anyone tear you down,
And never let anyone steal your shine and make you frown.
So will you sit in the shadows and let darkness win again?
Or will you rise up and make the light your friend?
Here is your chance, so what will you do?
You've got this because I believe in you!
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My school does a speech contest every year, and this poem really caught my eye. I'm in 6th grade and definitely doing this for the speech contest. Very inspiring!
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