Black Trees, Ghosts, And Bumble Bees
Lying on your bed just like every other night,
There is something that'd give grown men fright,
There's a black figure stalking in the night,
And it won't go away until dark turns to light,
Lying on your bed just like every other night,
There is something that'd give grown men fright,
There's a black figure stalking in the night,
And it won't go away until dark turns to light,
Dear Coral,
I am an adult woman that loves-so far-Halloween. I really enjoyed your poem. Please keep writing.
No one always tells the truth,
Everyone likes better to lie,
No one keeps their promises,
That they would keep me alive,
Man, this really is strong. I can relate to everything. Keep going! I hope you find your smile. Know that your smile never goes unless you want to. You put tears to my eyes with this because...
Like a fuzzy new kitten you light up my day,
I've always wondered how you could make me feel this way,
Like an Eskimo kiss on a sun burnt nose,
It makes me wiggle my feet and curl my toes,
in Dark Poems
We can bead these seashells together,
Hoping this monofilament is enough of a tether,
To keep them from shattering all over the sky,
These clouds in the ocean form waves in my eye,
If one day, I could have a helium balloon,
And be carried away with just one little bloom,
The petals sweep around me, light enough to fly,
So little to eat, surprised I did not die,
I have an eating disorder and it hurts inside. These poems really help
It sits on the razor's edge,
A tear, crimson within itself.
I sit there, constantly reminded of you.
This was our thing,