My Mistake
I admit I made a mistake-
overstepping some boundaries,
which made me look fake.
I really love her, but I sometimes make mistakes, and I really hope she sees that I am sorry and those mistakes will be put behind me.
If you saw me on the street
would you stop and talk to me
or would you look right past me,
a stranger you didn't see?
It's terrible when a mom or dad leaves, but I think you did a great job writing this poem.
You are so welcome Ben, I would love to hear your song someday...thank you. :)
Jesse, I wrote this poem, I'm happy it helped you...
Karina, it was children like yourself and my son who I held in my heart that day and decided somebody needed to be your voice! I am so elated I was able to achieve that...thank you.
I looked at my son playing on the floor and thought to myself...he has a voice, yet to young to use it as his mother, I was his voice.
this poem was my attempt to just focus on my wrong doing, he was always pointing fingers...I was hoping he would stop and do the same, he never read the poem. ;)