A Brilliant Golden Ray
in Sister Death Poems
One morning under a clear blue sky day,
There was a crisp November chill in the air,
As the sun shone down in a brilliant golden ray,
Upon all the sweet flowers and people gathered there.
in Sister Death Poems
One morning under a clear blue sky day,
There was a crisp November chill in the air,
As the sun shone down in a brilliant golden ray,
Upon all the sweet flowers and people gathered there.
My sister Penny passed away February 23, 2017. Today marks 2 months that she has been gone. I still have trouble believing that such a vibrant, beautiful, funny, intelligent, caring, and...
My mother seems so far away from me
On that beautiful white shore across the sea.
Yet I remember love's soft glow upon her face
And the feel of her touch and tender embrace.
The poem is really nice. I lost my mother 23/12/2016,16 days after my birthday. Too sad she was still admitted in the hospital on my birthday. I felt like cursing that day, but I had to be...
One morning I found you in eternal sleep;
I tried to wake you as I began to weep,
But all my pleas you could not hear.
Oh, if I could have only kept you near,
I lost my 8-year-old sister on May 29th this year. She was my heart. She was close to everyone in my family. She was healthy. She didn't even feel sick in her 8 years of lifespan, not even a...