Audra A. Allensworth

Audra A. Allensworth

About Audra A. Allensworth

After confined to a wheelchair ever since I was 3 my neck had been broken which left me a quadriplegic.
I found that through writings I could be whatever I wanted to be from short stories, to RP I could walk, dance, hike, & just do what every other normal person takes for granted. My poems I began writing about 11 years ago after I came down with MRSA, which almost caused me to die. I had to be home bound for 4 months & all I could do while I was recovering was write. I got better & this is where it began.
Don't get me wrong, no one ever said that life was / would be easy. As you can read in all of my entries I've never stayed with one precise topic because going through life none of us; no matter how our life ends up we all have different emotions, days, life's lessons. Each day has a different name, date and even different months for a long year.
Hopefully my different entries will be of comfort, love, sympathy or whatever your need may be. Love Helps All. (Formally Parsons No More)
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    Poems by Audra A. Allensworth

  • If It Happens Before Your Eyes

    • Published: March 21, 2024

    in Loss of Father Poems

    Years later an accident happened where I had died three times;
    My Dad told the Drs.
    "Do everything you can
    to help see that my baby girl survives!"


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  • Until We Meet Again

    Many of you know that I can not walk & am in a wheelchair. I am a huge animal lover! Living out in the country there are several city ppl that bring their loving infant pups & kittens and dump them out here. Whenever one comes to my door I can't turn them away. Luna was a special kitty. She was maybe only 3 or 4 weeks and she looked abused. Her tail had been stripped of its fur & Luna was in so much need to be loved. I had her for a few years until a fateful day when she became paralyzed.

    • pending
    • Posted on 07/07/18

    in Dying Poems

    Two years ago on a bright spring morning:
    you were crying in pain without any warning~
    Being only five weeks old along with your tail
    having been stripped right down to the bone;

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  • The Right Thing

    • Published: March 2, 2024

    in Heartbreak Poems

    Separation of a friendship is one of the hardest things to do
    but sometimes it is the best way to stop you from feeling so blue;
    There is no one to blame and no reason to call each other a name
    for the pain from that is like lightening going through one vane~


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  • You Were The One

    • Published: April 2012

    in Romantic Poems

    Through you I can be everything that I long to be
    From walking in the park to dancing in the dark
    To as far as ones imagination can see


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    Featured Shared Story

    This poem has touched me so much after reading it. I love each and every word, which are so encouraging. Thanks to the author.

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  • How Can It Be?

    • Published: March 2012

    in Prison Poems

    On that fateful day I will never forget
    when I got the word, down on my knees is where I went;
    The breath inside my body was gone and my mind
    went to my sister where it belonged~


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  • View All Poems by Audra A. Allensworth

Collections by Audra A. Allensworth


  • Audra A Allensworth, Liberty, Illinois
  • 1 year ago

I was hit by a car when I was 3 and a 1/2 years old and I had to grow up in a walking world Over 49 years ago when I got hurt it wasn't easy I was made fun of a lot and my parents work hard with me to go on and to be a fruitful human being of the world. My dad always told me you might have to sit on your butt to draw a paycheck but you don't literally have to sit on your butt.
I graduated from school I went 2 years of college. I worked at Walmart for 20 years and did a Walmart International and national commercial in 1995.
Everyday is a road encouraged to be a survivor and to just make it one more day I don't know what reason I'm here. For I've come to deaths door more Xs but death never answer the door.
The utmost thing that's sad in SCI PPL is the loneliness. it's somehow so bad that makes 1 want to throw in the towel. This poem touched my heart & soul. I must say I'm a writer & written poems about loss & being an SCI person. Thank you kindly & I encourage you to read mine.

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