Crowded Closet
in Change Poems
Father saw me looking in my closet yesterday
A place in a state of rather constant disarray
It's something I do often to stimulate my mind
Because I'm never certain of exactly what I'll find
in Change Poems
Father saw me looking in my closet yesterday
A place in a state of rather constant disarray
It's something I do often to stimulate my mind
Because I'm never certain of exactly what I'll find
in Short Love Poems
The Lake
waters, blue-green and laced with foam
in Short Poems
Travel Sickness
A voyage abroad with my good wife Maude turned into a real mess
in Humorous Poems
A voyage abroad with my good wife Maude turned into a real mess
In need of some rest in Budapest, about all I got was stress
Then in France I took a chance on some pork a little too rare
I so regret that Monsieur's toilette was very crowded there
in Limericks
Harvey is a huge hippopotamus
Who bathes in a bay that is bottomless
HIs mouth is as large
As a riverboat barge
I enjoyed the quality presentation of the hippo story. The rhyme style was very skilled, and there was care for rhythm while telling a coherent and entertaining tale.
Great Grandpa is a wise old man who says he's ninety-four.
He tells me that he lost his leg fighting in some war.
When I was just a little tot with eyes and nose still runny,
He swears that he forgot my name, so now he calls me Sonny.
Balter's poem reminds me of my own grandfather whom I lost 49 years ago when he was 94. I remember his two habits very lucidly. He was a frugal eater. He used to weigh his food every time...
Some are as long as hoses
You buy at a garden store.
Mine can be used to smell roses
From a couple of miles or more.
I think children will like the poem. It's funny. You must have a lot of imagination to write such a poem. I like it!
My parents' bedroom is far from mine, so I have to wonder
What the noise is every night that sounds a lot like thunder.
We don't live near the seashore, but almost every morn
I'm wakened by a noise that sounds like a fog horn.
The writer has given a humorous touch to a common incident found in many a home. Mother's lighthearted comment, "I don't mind; it's really a godsend" makes the idea more effective.
All my life I've been extra large, plus
I'm known as a very large fellow.
I would easily pass as a school district bus
If somebody painted me yellow.
Very good poem! It is my favorite so far. I would love it if more like this were written.
When somebody dies, folks hardly ever say "dead."
They prefer "expired" or "departed" instead.
Most of the euphemisms don't do any harm,
Like "biting the dust" or "buying the farm."
I found this poem very refreshing and true. Very good.