Easy Strides
in Work Poems
There are times to hurry.
Some things in life call for speed.
But more than ever, I'm learning
That pace is really what I need.
in Work Poems
There are times to hurry.
Some things in life call for speed.
But more than ever, I'm learning
That pace is really what I need.
in Prayer Poems
Hold my hand, dear Lord,
As I daily follow you.
This journey before me,
You alone can see me through.
The good deeds that I do
Are not what can save my soul.
That's not why I do them,
It should never be the goal.
in Short Poems
Ever gotten there?
To that place where
You have nothing to prove
and can just be.
in Prayer Poems
I run to You with my hurts and fears,
Carry me, Lord, in Your unfailing love.
When no one really understands or cares,
I run to You with my hurts and fears.
I can't prevent attitudes
from knocking upon my door,
but I decide which to let in
and which ones to ignore.
in Prayer Poems
I desire, dear Lord,
To cultivate the habit,
Of keeping in touch with You,
Minute by minute.
A sleek and smart device,
Is taking everything out.
Little things and big things,
It's looking more like a rout.
I don't mind accolades
freely passed on my way,
I'll take encouragement
gladly, any given day.