Quote Quote from “Human Family” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/80065 I note the obvious differences between each sort and type, but we are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike. Maya Angelou
Poetry Quote Quote from “A True Friend” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/12782 You touch the lives of people you know. You walk around with a humble glow. Nicole
Poetry Quote Quote from “Time, If I Had” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/22987 In the time that I have, I will be kinder, gentler, and more giving. Danny Blackburn
Poetry Quote Quote from “A Minute” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/17960 Take a minute and lend an ear. Listen intently to what you hear. Patricia A. Gordon
Quote Quote from “The Diary Of A Young Girl (1942 - 1944)” Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. Anne Frank
Poetry Quote Quote from “Love Is Real” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/78854 Love is a remedy; It's joy for those wounded souls. Veronique