Holiday Poetry Quotes - Page 5

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First Christmas Without You

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I am not looking forward to Christmas,
but I know it's something I have to live through.
I hope there is Christmas in heaven,
because it is not the same here without you.

Jamie A. Cirello

Quote For Mom's Birthday

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You brighten up my life
with tender love and care.
When I reach out,
you're always there.

Lyndsey Romjue

Blind On Christmas


The only real blind person at Christmas-time is he who has not Christmas in his heart

Helen Keller


I Love You All My Family

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When monsters lurked beneath my bed,
and scary dreams ran through my head,
when thunder growled those sounds I dread,
there you were, my father.

- Shayla S. Randolph

Quote About Helping Others At Christmas

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This year, try to not think about yourself,
but think of the things you can do
to help others have a wonderful Christmas,
and you will find that you will be happy too.


Inspirational New Years Quote

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Making a difference
starts with one step,
with one foot,
then the next.

Hope Galaxie

Appreciation For Dad

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My father, my friend,
This to me you have always been.
Through the good times and the bad,
Your understanding I have had.

Peggy Stewart

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