Holiday Poetry Quotes - Page 3

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Short Memorial Day Quote

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Remember those who served before.
Remember those who are no more.
Remember those who serve today.
Remember them all on Memorial Day.

- Emily Toma

Sweet Birthday To You

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A wish for lots of birthday fun
To last until the day is done.
Hoping that all your wishes comes true,
and your birthday cake is as sweet as you!

- Cindy

Father's Day Quote

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A Dad's there when you're happy
and even more when you're sad,
giving unconditional love
whether you're good or you're bad.

Annmarie Campbell

Silent Strong Dad

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He never looks for praises.
He's never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
for those he loves the most.

- Karen K. Boyer


Quote About Those Fighting For Freedom

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Freedom has a high cost,
lives given, the ultimate loss.
That cost they willingly give
so freedom can continue to live.

- Dr. Bill McDonald

I Love You Mom

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You're someone I can count on
when I need a helping hand.
You're warm and loving.
You always understand.

Lyndsey Romjue

The Story Of My Dad

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If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I'd write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

Vicky Frye

You've Always Had Faith In Me

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You've helped me see
The woman I can become
You've always had faith in me
Even when I had none

Tiana Jensen

Quote Thanking Mom For Everything She's Done

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Thank you for the gifts you give,
for everything you do,
but thank you, Mommy,
most of all for making dreams come true.

- Author Unknown

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