Friendship Poetry Quotes - Page 4

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Quote About True Friends Caring

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True friends will care
About you forever.
True friends want to be with you
On every endeavor.


Don't Want To Say Goodbye

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I look up to you,
and I see a ray of sunshine shining in on me.
I knew God sent me one of his angels
when he sent you to me.

Asha Cook

Quote About Life As A Teen

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We learn from our mistakes,
from the wrong turns we take,
from the fake friends we make,
and from the times we almost break.

Sarah Gray


A Warm Embrace From A Friend

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A warm embrace from a friend
is the best medicine you can give;
to feel really cared about
adds further reason to live.

Paul Holmes

Quote About Being There For A Friend

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I'll be there when you're crying.
I'll be there when you're smiling. . .
I'll be there when you're happy.
I'll be there when you're down.

- Jasmin Aneta-Mirry Hathlhorn

Quote About Meaning What We Say

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Sometimes I wonder
how the world would be
if we said what we meant
and meant what we said.

- Leah

I Will Be Here For You

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When you are so overwhelmed
and need to get away,
I will be here with open arms
so we can run away together.

Angie M Flores

You Are My Sunshine

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You are my sunshine.
You send color to my gray.

Ariel Smith

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