Family Poetry Quotes - Page 7

61 - 70 of 211

I'd Endure It All

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A mother's love
is like nothing else.
It's beyond measure.

- Bobbi Highfill

Little Boys

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Little boys
are like rain,
rain that soaks you up
with their unconditional love

- Anuradha Dev

Quote About The Spirit Of A Grandfather

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Although he has gone,
we will always be together,
and his spirit will live on
in each one of us forever.

Ilona M. Blake

A Mother's Heart

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A mother's heart
is a song
that puts rhythm
in your soul.

Nusrat Ahmed


Advice To Son Quote About Being A Man

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Take a stand for things that matter,
and always keep your head held up high.
Embrace those things close to your heart,
and yes, sometimes men do cry.

Mike Brown

Adopted Child Quote

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I am not just a foster child with hope,
an adopted child with love;
I am a chosen child!

- Sheila T. Williams

Father's Day Quote For Stepdad

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Even though
you're not my father,
you'll always be
my dad.

- Ginger C. Smith

Father Son Quote

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He will watch your every move,
so guide him the best you can
because only a Daddy can teach his son
how to become a man.

Kacee Harrington

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