Poetry Quote Quote from “One Plus One Equals Two” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/2073 A relationship formed by blood and bonded with love will not soon be severed. Debbie A. Burrous
Poetry Quote Quote from “She Makes A House A Home” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/84830 I desire to be like her when I am grown and have a daughter of my own, because she has taught me how to love as I've grown. - Maggie Bernard
Poetry Quote Quote from “My Girls” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/72524 When you were born, I found true love, A love like no other, Like I've never felt before. - Angelina Michelle Lain
Poetry Quote Quote from “Lights” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/81257 Light up my candle when I'm out to wander and roam so that no matter how far I am, I may always return home. Soumyanetra Pal
Poetry Quote Quote from “A Mother's Question” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/60641 How do I dry these tears from my eyes, when I see my daughter, now grown, turn to wave her goodbyes? - Christine Werner
Poetry Quote Quote from “Brayanna Marie” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/61521 God rewarded my life with the smile of my baby girl. She's brought great joy to me since the hour she entered the world. Demecia Dean
Poetry Quote Quote from “A Message For Him” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/97372 Your smile gives me happiness behind sadness. Your memories give me strength behind darkness. Cristinalyn T. Tabangin
Poetry Quote Quote from “You Are My Best Friend” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/921 You are more than my sister. You are my best friend. You are the one who will be there when my heart needs to mend. Tara J. Barker
Poetry Quote You never stopped believing in all I could do. With you behind me, I took off and flew. - Jade
Poetry Quote Quote from “Helen, My Sister And Friend” familyfriendpoems.com/poem/534 Sister, we've been there through life's sorrow and pain, but together we have always endured the strain. Cyndi Moore