Family Poetry Quotes - Page 16

151 - 160 of 211

Parent Reflecting On Child At Graduation Quote

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No matter where life leads you,
no matter what you do,
we'll always be your biggest fans,
and we'll be here for you.


I've Grown My Wings

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I've grown my wings.
I want to fly,
seize my victories
where they lie.

- Nikki L. Rench


Tribute Quote To A Mother's Love

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you are the most beautiful creation,
taking all the pains
and always being my inspiration.

- Aanubbhaa Jhhaa

Quote About The Spirit Of A Grandfather

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Although he has gone,
we will always be together,
and his spirit will live on
in each one of us forever.

Ilona M. Blake

Message To Father On Wedding Day

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As I spread my wings and fly,
look at me and know
that you will forever be in my heart,
even as the years grow.

- Lacey D. Karlek

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