Family Poetry Quotes - Page 10

91 - 100 of 211

Quote About The Spirit Of A Grandfather

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Although he has gone,
we will always be together,
and his spirit will live on
in each one of us forever.

Ilona M. Blake


My Dear Child

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Stand tall,
stand strong,
and your strength
will guide you.

- Betty Miller

Advice About Life

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Be proud of who you are
and strive to be the best.
Put forth efforts to achieve your goals
and let God do the rest.

Sherri Lawrence

Family Love Laughter

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Family, love, laughter
are what we should seek.
These are the precious things
right outside your door.

M. Jolynn Rawson-Hunt

The Birth Of A Baby

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The birth of a baby
inspires love and awe
in the eyes of its parents.

- Meghann E. Mastri

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