Death Poetry Quotes

Every moment of our lives is fleeting and each person we choose to share our lives with becomes a precious part of us and our experiences. Life only allows us enough time and energy to connect with a limited number of people. Losing one of these people creates a emptiness that echoes for the rest of our days. Yet we must somehow find the will to carry on. Knowing that those we love live on through us, that their memories shape who we are and the choices we make, can help us find slow but steady healing.

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Quote For Funeral

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A thousand words won't bring you back;
I know because I've tried.
Neither will a thousand tears;
I know because I've cried.

- Kily Dunbar


Quote About Facing Each Day

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The bond between
a mother and daughter
is so strong that even
death cannot break it.

- Anita Hermalin

Know That I Am There

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You can no longer see me,
but please know that I am there.
I am the flowers in the garden,
I am the wind beneath your hair.

- Sherry Rockhill

Always In My Heart

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You will always
be in my heart...
because in there
you're still alive.

Jamie A. Cirello

Message About Living On In Our Hearts

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Please don't cry
Just because we had to part.
As long as you remember me,
I'll live in your heart.

Joe Green

Remembering Quote

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Remembrance in life's passing
is the truest form of love one can give,
for a memory should never die
and a love should live forever in the heart of another.

- Laura M. Phipps-Kelley

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