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Quote of The Day

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Quote Tribute To Grandpa

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You've always been my hero.
You've always been my pride.
You've always given so much love
and shown what's deep inside.

- Lauren E. Garner

You Are My Sunshine

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You brought me sunshine
when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter
when I only felt pain.

- Donna Donathan

Heartbreaking Quote From Daughter To Father

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I remember when I was
the twinkle in my daddy's eyes.
Then he left one day
without saying good-bye.

- Heidi A. Hopson

Heartbreaking Quote From Daughter To Father

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I remember when I was
the twinkle in my daddy's eyes.
Then he left one day
without saying good-bye.

- Heidi A. Hopson


Quote Thanking The Strong One

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You are always the strongest
and like the threads of a quilt;
You hold us together.
You are a flower whose petals will never wilt.

- Hayzel

Quote Thanking The Strong One

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You are always the strongest
and like the threads of a quilt;
You hold us together.
You are a flower whose petals will never wilt.

- Hayzel

Love More Than You Can See Quote

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Mommy, I love you
more than you see.
You have always been there
when I needed you to be.

- Gail M. Russellburg

Quote About True Friends Caring

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True friends will care
About you forever.
True friends want to be with you
On every endeavor.


Quote About True Friends Caring

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True friends will care
About you forever.
True friends want to be with you
On every endeavor.


Quote About True Friends Caring

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True friends will care
About you forever.
True friends want to be with you
On every endeavor.


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