12 Most Popular Poems by Sara Teasdale

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  • Barter

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    Sara Teasdale was a frail and sickly person who chose to find the beauty in the things around her. Her love for beautiful things is reflected in her poetry. This is one such poem where she shares the importance of taking a moment to look to the things in this life that bring us joy, no matter how simple they may be. The rhyme scheme is ABCBDD.

    Life has loveliness to sell,
    All beautiful and splendid things,
    Blue waves whitened on a cliff,
    Soaring fire that sways and sings,


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    • Stories 2
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    • Votes 499
    • Rating 4.29
    • Poem of the Day
    Featured Shared Story

    How wonderful to stop, really see, and appreciate what nature gives us. I too love the crashing waves, the dancing flames and beautiful smells around us, we need to be mindful of every moment...

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  • February Twilight

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Nature Poems

    Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) became a famous poet during her lifetime. In “February Twilight,” she captures the beauty and peacefulness of standing alone in nature.

    I stood beside a hill
    Smooth with new-laid snow,
    A single star looked out
    From the cold evening glow.


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    • Stories 2
    • Shares 618
    • Favorited 11
    • Votes 141
    • Rating 4.17
    • Poem of the Day
    Featured Shared Story

    It gives me a certain joy to be in a place in the forest or a shore or anywhere in nature and imagine that I'm the only person who has ever been in that exact spot. As a young boy, I would...

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