12 Most Popular Poems by Pablo Neruda

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  • Lone Gentleman

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Sad Love Poems

    Pablo Neruda lived from 1904-1973 and was considered one of the greatest poets of his time who wrote in Spanish. Although he wrote in Spanish, his first wife did not even know how to speak the language. He was inspired by Walt Whitman and kept a framed picture of him on his table.

    The gay young men and the love-sick girls,
    and the abandoned widows suffering in sleepless delirium,
    and the young pregnant wives of thirty hours,
    and the raucous cats that cruise my garden in the shadows,


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  • Carnal Apple, Woman Filled, Burning Moon

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Love Poems

    Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet who lived from 1904-1973. He mostly wrote of politics and love. In this poem, he focuses on the latter. He writes of a passionate encounter with a woman he loves. He uses descriptive words and shares that love between two people has great moments but can also be filled with heartache. The sexual nature of his poems has caused controversy.

    Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon,
    dark smell of seaweed, crush of mud and light,
    what secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars?
    What primal night does Man touch with his senses?


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    • Poem of the Day

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