8 Most Popular Poems by Ogden Nash

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  • A Lady Who Thinks She Is Thirty

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Funny Poems

    Ogden Nash’s humorous tone comes out in this poem about a woman who wakes up one morning and realizes she has aged. She feels as though she was just twenty-nine the night before. The days have a way of slipping away, and before you realize it, you’re older than you feel. Even though the woman in this poem, Miranda, does not want to age, the speaker assures her that she is still loved and adorned with beauty. This poem is made up of quatrains that follow the ABAB rhyme scheme.

    Unwillingly Miranda wakes,
    Feels the sun with terror,
    One unwilling step she takes,
    Shuddering to the mirror.


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  • Morning Prayer

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    Ogden Nash was an American poet who lived from 1902-1971 and was known for his light verse. This poem captures the honesty of a child who has a difficult time behaving during the day. It’s much easier when he’s sleeping. It’s a reminder to all of us to look for new opportunities presented each day.

    Now another day is breaking,
    Sleep was sweet and so is waking.
    Dear Lord, I promised you last night
    Never again to sulk or fight.


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    He did an amazing job on this poem.

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  • I Didn't Go To Church Today

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Funny Poems

    Ogden Nash (1902-1971) is a very well-known poet of light verse, and many people have tried to imitate his style. In this light verse, the narrator shares that he hopes God understands why he skipped church that morning. A beautiful day made it impossible to pass up a chance to get to the beach.

    I didn't go to church today,
    I trust the Lord to understand.
    The surf was swirling blue and white,
    The children swirling on the sand.


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  • Common Cold

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Funny Poems

    The speaker of this poem suffers from a cold, but to him, it feels much, much worse. He thinks his doctor is crazy for thinking it is simply a cold as he rattles off his symptoms, and he’s irritated to have to pay his doctor for this simple diagnosis. The poet of this poem, Ogden Nash (1902-1971), was considered a hypochondriac himself. This poem is broken into stanzas that have rhyming couplets.

    Go hang yourself, you old M.D.!
    You shall not sneer at me.
    Pick up your hat and stethoscope,
    Go wash your mouth with laundry soap;


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  • Always Marry An April Girl

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Love Poems

    April is a month of tumultuous weather. Some days are dry, sunny, and pristine. Others are cold, stormy, and unenjoyable. Ogden Nash compares women to the month of April. They can be unpredictable. Sometimes they’re sweet and tender. Other times they’re cruel and angry, but in the end, they are loved for who they are.

    Praise the spells and bless the charms,
    I found April in my arms.
    April golden, April cloudy,
    Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy;


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    I was searching for a short poem that encapsulates the love I have for my wife. When I saw this, I knew. My wife's birthday is in April. The double meaning of marrying an April girl really...

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  • Winter Morning Poem

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Nature Poems

    This famous poem by Ogden Nash uses descriptive language to show the beauty of snow. Winter is unlike any other season where snow blankets everything it touches. It transforms the land into a magical experience. Ogden Nash (1902-1971) was well-known and appreciated during his lifetime.

    Winter is the king of showmen,
    Turning tree stumps into snow men
    And houses into birthday cakes
    And spreading sugar over lakes.


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  • The People Upstairs

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Funny Poems

    Ogden Nash captures the frustration of sharing a house or apartment with people who are loud. Having walls that are connected means hearing everything that goes on next door or on the floor above. This humorous poem captures some of the things neighbors think they hear from each other. People who’ve shared walls with neighbors will quickly relate to this poem. Those who’ve never had neighbors that close will be thankful and want to keep it that way.

    The people upstairs all practise ballet
    Their living room is a bowling alley
    Their bedroom is full of conducted tours.
    Their radio is louder than yours,


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    This poem combines humor and a serious message. It stresses the necessity to live without being disturbed by noisy neighbors. I faced the problem for a long time.

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  • A Word To Husbands

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Funny Poems

    This poem was written by Ogden Nash (1902-1971). Nash was know as a writer of humorous poetry. He wrote over 500 pieces of comic verse. In this poem, Nash sets his vision on the relationship between husband and wife. He points out that silence is often the best policy.

    To keep your marriage brimming
    With love in the loving cup,
    Whenever you're wrong, admit it;
    Whenever you're right, shut up.


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    Interesting. Years ago for our children I made this little rule. They had to periodically repeat it after me.

    When you're wrong, admit it.
    When you're right, shut up.

    I'm an avid...

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