26 Most Popular Poems by Edgar A. Guest

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  • Thanksgiving

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Holiday Poems

    When children grow up and move away, it’s always special when they come back together for the holidays. It’s a chance for them to reminisce on days gone by and reconnect with each other. In this poem, though some family members moved into the city, when they come home, they are able to be who they truly are. This is seen with the use of dialect. Edgar Guest (1881-1959) wrote many poems that reflected the typical American in the first half of the 20th century.

    Gettin’ together to smile an’ rejoice,
    An’ eatin’ an’ laughin’ with folks of your choice;
    An’ kissin’ the girls an’ declarin’ that they
    Are growin’ more beautiful day after day;


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    The second to last stanza is so familiar. Edgar Guest so kindly reminds us of those who mean the most to us and are the ones we can let our hair down around. They speak of things only we...

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  • Clinching The Bolt

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Poems

    In the poem "Clinching The Bolt" by Edgar A. Guest, the poet reflects on the difference between those who do their work diligently and take pride in their craftsmanship and those who are careless and seek shortcuts. Through the imagery of a bolt that needs an extra turn to be secure, Guest highlights the importance of attention to detail and thoroughness in one's work. The poem contrasts two types of individuals: the slip-shod worker who is eager to finish quickly and the diligent worker who goes the extra mile to ensure the task is completed properly. The poem suggests that the small extra efforts and additional time invested in a task can make a significant difference in the outcome. Guest emphasizes the importance of taking pride in one's work and being thorough, as it ultimately leads to better results and fewer repairs in the long run.

    It needed just an extra turn to make the bolt secure,
    A few more minutes on the job and then the work was sure;
    But he begrudged the extra turn, and when the task was through,
    The man was back for more repairs in just a day or two.


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  • Can't

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    In Edgar A. Guest's poem "Can't," the poet delivers a powerful message about the detrimental impact of the word "can't" on human potential. Through the use of vivid language and persuasive rhetoric, Guest portrays "can't" as a destructive force that weakens courage, hinders progress, and mocks aspirations. The poem employs strong imagery and personification to give life to the abstract concept of "can't," presenting it as a relentless enemy that must be despised and resisted. Guest's use of repetition, such as the recurring phrase "It springs from the lips," emphasizes the pervasive nature of the word and its insidious influence. By urging readers to reject "can't" and embrace determination and perseverance, the poem inspires a resilient mindset and serves as a call to action.

    Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
    Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
    On it is many a strong spirit broken,
    And with it many a good purpose dies.


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  • Courage

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    In Edgar A. Guest's poem "Courage," the poem emphasizes that courage is not a fleeting act or a mere show of bravery, but a deep-seated trait within the soul of a person. It is unwavering, patient, and ingrained, present in both triumph and adversity. Ultimately, courage is not just a daring deed but the very breath of life.

    Courage isn't a brilliant dash,
    A daring deed in a moment's flash;
    It isn't an instantaneous thing
    Born of despair with a sudden spring


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  • My Creed

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    Edgar Guest inspires readers to live lives that are filled with integrity. He also shows the desire to live in a way that accepts things as they come and push through no matter the obstacles faced. We each have a set of rules and expectations that govern the way we live. Have you ever thought about what drives your day-to-day thoughts and actions? Edgar Guest (1881-1959) wrote many encouraging and motivational poems about life.

    To live as gently as I can;
    To be, no matter where, a man;
    To take what comes of good or ill
    And cling to faith and honor still;


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  • Midnight In The Pantry

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    The poet, Edgar Guest (1881-1959), creates a comedic tone about searching for a midnight snack. While it’s enjoyable to go out to eat and enjoy the sights and sounds of town, nothing compares to finding something delectable to eat in your own pantry.

    You can boast your round of pleasures, praise the sound of popping corks,
    Where the orchestra is playing to the rattle of the forks,
    And your after-opera dinner you may think superbly fine,
    But that can’t compare, I’m certain, to the joy that’s always mine


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  • It's September

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Nature Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) captures the breathtaking beauty of September and how the world is transformed with hues of gold, orange, red, and yellow. In many of his poems, he used everyday experiences to capture more significant thoughts on life. When reflecting on the end of life, we can see that it is comparable to September, full and ripe, a life well-lived.

    It's September, and the orchards are afire with red and gold,
    And the nights with dew are heavy, and the morning's sharp with cold;
    Now the garden's at its gayest with the salvia blazing red
    And the good old-fashioned asters laughing at us from their bed;


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    I can see in my mind's eye all that Edgar shows, especially in the final stanza with his description of Nature coming to her end-of-the-year party dressed to the nines, ready to celebrate a...

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  • Home And The Office

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) shares valuable advice about enjoying time at home with your family, no matter the burdens that have been placed on your shoulders at work during the day. Home should be a place to let it all go and soak up the memories with those you love. Edgar Guest was known for writing poems about everyday life that had an encouraging message.

    Home is the place where the laughter should ring,
    And man should be found at his best.
    Let the cares of the day be as great as they may,
    The night has been fashioned for rest.


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  • Home

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959) was born in England and moved with his family to America at age 10. He started working for the Detroit Free Press while still a teenager and went on to became a columnist for the newspaper, where for 30 years he published a new poem each day. This poem is also published in his book, It takes A Heap o' Livin' (1916). He was appointed Poet Laureate of Michigan in 1952. The purposeful grammar and spelling mistakes in the poem imply that the simple profound wisdom contained within are common knowledge to all.

    It takes a heap o' livin' in a house t' make it home,
    A heap o' sun an' shadder, an' ye sometimes have t' roam
    Afore ye really 'preciate the things ye lef' behind,
    An' hunger fer 'em somehow, with 'em allus on yer mind.


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    "Home" seems to capture so many concepts that both test families and bond them together. I heard this poem read by my aunts and uncles many times at family gatherings. It became ingrained in...

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  • The Responsibility Of Fatherhood

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Becoming a parent changes many things about your priorities and your outlook on life. In this famous poem, Edgar Guest (1881-1959) shares how life was before children and what changed once he became a father. The speaker realizes that he needs to be a better person because there’s a little one who will look up to everything he does, whether it’s good or bad. Edgar Guest wrote many poems on the topic of family. This poem is made up of octaves (eight line stanzas) that follow the rhyme scheme ABABCDCD.

    BEFORE you came, my little lad,
    I used to think that I was good,
    Some vicious habits, too, I had,
    But wouldn't change them if I could.


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