Dixon Lanier Merritt

About Dixon Lanier Merritt

Dixon Lanier Merritt (1879–1972) was an editor, historian, American poet and humorist.

He was a newspaper editor for the Tennessean, Nashville's morning paper, and President of the American Press Humorists Association. Merritt served as Tennessee State Director of Public Safety, taught at Cumberland University and was editor of The Tennessean and Lebanon Democrat newspapers and later contributed a column for many years called "Our Folks".

He worked for the U.S. federal government twice, around the time of both World Wars, and ultimately retired from the Rural Electrification Administration's telephone program office. In 1919, Merritt was the Assistant in Charge for the Press Service at the United States Department of Agriculture where he wrote humorous press releases.

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    Poems by Dixon Lanier Merritt

  • A Wonderful Bird Is The Pelican

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Funny Poems

    A wonderful bird is the pelican,
    His bill will hold more than his belican,
    He can take in his beak
    Enough food for a week


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    My best childhood friend loved this poem! We were separated by four hours as we lived in different cities and had become married with children. Our visits existed by phone. At least once...

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