9 Most Popular Poems by Christina Rossetti

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  • The Rainbow

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    There are many pretty sights in this world, some of which are manmade, but nothing compares to the beauty found in nature. The beauty of clouds and rainbows cannot be replicated by human hands.

    Boats sail on the rivers,
    And ships sail on the seas;
    But clouds that sail across the sky
    Are prettier far than these.


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    My 11-year-old daughter loved this and learned quickly to recite it.

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  • Remember

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Death Poems

    Christina Rossetti was an English poet who lived from 1830-1894. In this poem, she wants her loved one to remember her after death. The word “remember” is shared five times, bringing attention to the importance of holding onto those memories, but the tone changes at the end. She then gives her loved one the permission to move on after her death. She hopes to be remembered, but she doesn’t want those memories to cause sadness to those she leaves behind. The form of Remember is a Petrarchan Sonnet.

    Remember me when I am gone away,
    Gone far away into the silent land;
    When you can no more hold me by the hand,
    Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.


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    In 2022, my 2-year-old cousin passed of covid, and I'm only 13, so it's hard to go through that, so this really hits home.

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  • What Are Heavy?

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Poems

    Christina Rossetti reflects on things that are heavy, brief, frail, and deep. She shares both concrete items and metaphorical ones, whether it’s a state of mind or moment in time. It’s a poem that makes the reader reflect on the meaning of life.

    What are heavy? Sea-sand and sorrow;
    What are brief? Today and tomorrow;
    What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth;
    What are deep? The ocean and truth.


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    It’s pure perfection, this poem. It couldn't have been said any better and yet be any more poetic and precise. Beautiful.

    This poem shall stand the test of time,
    For it's got so much...

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  • A Riddle

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    Children enjoy the playful nature of words. They like to figure out riddles and laugh at jokes. Are you able to use the clues in this poem to figure out the riddle?

    There is one that has a head without an eye,
    And there's one that has an eye without a head.
    You may find the answer if you try;
    And when all is said,


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    Pins and needles

    Try this:

    The beginning of eternity,
    The end of time and space,
    The beginning of every end,
    And the end of every place.
    -The Guess Book (c. 1820)

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  • What Is Pink?

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    This is a color poem that captures the beauty in the natural world. Color is all around us, from a rose and a poppy to the clouds and sky.

    What is pink? A rose is pink
    By the fountain's brink.
    What is red? A poppy's red
    In its barley bed.


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    This was a poem I learned at school in my elocution lessons in the early 1960s. It was recited at the end of term and if deserved, a certificate was awarded. The Covid-19 outbreak means I am...

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  • Echo

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Death Poems

    Christina Rossetti lived from 1830-1894, and many of her poems had religious and melancholy tones. Both are represented in “Echo.” This poem captures the pain of losing a loved one and the longing to feel their presence in any form.

    Come to me in the silence of the night;
    Come in the speaking silence of a dream;
    Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright
    As sunlight on a stream;


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  • Song

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Death Poems

    In this poem, the narrator urges others not to do the typical things of remembrance when she passes away. Instead, the narrator encourages the reader to endure - just as grass does through droughts and famine. Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) uses alliteration throughout the poem: dead/dearest, sing/sad/songs, and green/grass. She struggled with her physical and mental health and experienced various bouts of depression. Through this poem, it's possible to see the process of working through difficult thoughts and emotions.

    When I am dead, my dearest,
    Sing no sad songs for me;
    Plant thou no roses at my head,
    Nor shady cypress tree:


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    Christina Rossetti was my main inspiration for taking up poetry in 1972. This poem was a standout to me. I have 3 self-published books of poetry that I put together. The third one, Poetry in...

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  • I Wish I Could Remember That First Day

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Love Poems

    In "I Wish I Could Remember That First Day" by Christina Rossetti, the speaker expresses a longing to remember the details of their first meeting with someone special. The speaker reflects on the passing of that significant moment, regretting their lack of awareness and inability to foresee the importance it would hold. The poem captures the bittersweet feeling of realizing the significance of a past event that was initially overlooked or taken for granted. The speaker yearns to recollect the touch of that first encounter, emphasizing the power and significance of human connection.

    I wish I could remember that first day,
    First hour, first moment of your meeting me,
    If bright or dim the season, it might be
    Summer or winter for aught I can say;


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  • Who Has Seen The Wind?

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Nature Poems

    Until the age of nine, Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) spent time at her grandfather’s cottage in Holmer Green. In 1839, he sold the property and moved to London. During these visits to Holmer Green, Christina had the freedom to wander around the property and fall in love with nature. The natural world seeped into the poetry she went on to write.

    Who has seen the wind?
    Neither I nor you:
    But when the leaves hang trembling,
    The wind is passing through.


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