Special Friend Poem

I tried my best to find my special and perfect friend. After 24 years of hard work to find my true friend, I finally realized that my special friend was with me all these 24 years. As I stood under the warm sun on March 4, 2010, I looked down and saw my shadow. My special friend.

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Your Special Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

Friendship is like life.
It goes away,
And comes again.

Friendship can be broken,
Like a special china,
Or like a heart.

Friendship can form
As fast as light
Or as slow as a turtle.

Only your special friend
Supports you when you break down.

Only your special friend
Cries when you cry.

Only your special friend
Chooses the same choices as you do.

Only your special friend
Makes the same mistakes as you do.

Only your shadow is your special friend.


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