Romantic Valentine's Day Poem

Valentine Poem To A Soldier At War

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The Truest Love


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

Throughout the longest of the twilight midnight hours,
I lay wondering, weeping, dreaming of my desires,
Wishing only that I could sleep devoutly in your arms,
Knowing of your hardships as you trudge through muck and mire.
I hope, I pray that you dote, defending the memory of me
While I guard my thoughts and love of you tenaciously.
You have escaped hence from the security of my embrace
To secure my love, my lands, to keep me free.
May the gods protect your cause and hold you in their grace
Whilst I sit and wait and pray that you will recall this place.
Others could state that what you do is wrong
Or that the days of knights and chivalry are disappeared and gone,
That this war across the waters is the work of angry men.
I don't debate the work of hate, but I will not play along.
My tears are shedding, river fierce, colored red, white, and blue.
As long as I stand, I'll hold my flame high over head for you.
You fight and die defending me; there is no truer love.
To keep the spirit of freedom firm, our standards high above.
On this day of Valentine, I send my sentiments to you.
Those of the proud, of the brave, and of the precious few.
Regardless of the issue, you are there for me,
To keep me strong and secure, your lover Lady Liberty.
So keep you safe, my shining knight, who came at my distress.
Guard my heart; please bring you home to my softest sweet caress.


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