Faith Poem

Having Faith That Tomorrow Will Be Better

God sends many blessings our way to keep us going. You cannot judge tomorrow by today. Tomorrow holds blessings that you don't know about. God loves us and He wants us to be encouraged. Although today may not be your best day, you don't know what tomorrow holds. Today may seem dark and dreary, but tomorrow holds many good things that you can't see today. Never give up on tomorrow and never give up on God. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!

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Tomorrow's Unrevealed Blessings

Louvenia Duncan © more by Louvenia Duncan

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2017 with permission of the Author.

Although you can't see your way today,
Tomorrow holds unrevealed blessings

That you don't know about.
So does the next day and the next.

Never judge the situation by the appearance
But by the Creator, who has your best interest at heart.

God knows where you are in life.
He knew it before the foundation of the world,

And He has already made a way for you to survive
What you are going through right now.

Just believe.
Do what you can and let him do the rest.

Relax and stop worrying.
God is still in control.

And he is working it out for you.
Tomorrow holds unrevealed blessings that are

About to unfold in your life.
You will see.



Louvenia Duncan graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. She earned a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Columbia International University, and a second Master of Arts in Teaching from Ashford University. She is currently completing a Doctorate in Ministry from Lancaster Bible...

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