Faith Poem

You Are Never Alone

In the midst of our own battles -- perhaps health, financial, relationship struggles -- we would do well to take stock of the Lord's blessings in our lives over the years. In doing so, we can find great encouragement and optimism.

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Til Now

Carol A. Andrews © more by Carol A. Andrews

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020 with permission of the Author.

I stand in a stream of madness
And take a moment to still my fears.
In the aisles of dreams and sadness,
You were there throughout the years.

Like branches green above me,
Your loving kindness gently spread.
On pillars strong, your faithfulness
And mercy shades my head.

Through times of trial and sickness
And times of great despair,
Though times of joyous rapture,
I see your handwork there.

By day your love is with me.
At night I hear your song.
Tender mercy and Your kindness,
My companions all day long.

When I turn and look before me
At the avenue ahead,
The birds sing in their branches -
Their feathered rainbows spread.

And yet there's still a distance,
For my journey's not yet done.
More joy, more trials and triumphs,
More battles to be won.

When the storm clouds gather 'round me,
To find my way, I know not how,
But thus far, the Lord has helped me,
And He won't quit now.

Interview with Top Poet Carol A. Andrews

  • What inspired you to write this poem?
    9000 miles away, my dad was in a care home. His body shrinking, his mind ravaged by dementia, he was dying. It was heart crushing to see how such a proud and strong-willed man could be brought down to such a pitiful state. I started to write this poem for him, but the poem grew as my thoughts turned to my Heavenly Father who will never leave me. This brought me great comfort. I wasn’t able to be at Dad’s funeral, but the vicar read out this poem, and I felt that I was there. I hope that my family found comfort in it.
  • How does your faith encourage you?
    It is who I put my faith in that encourages me most. Whatever happens, God is in control. I am glad because, left up to me, I’d make a big mess of things and have often done so. It is easier the more I read my Bible.
  • How has writing poetry been beneficial to you during tough times?
    Poetry allows me to untangle my emotions. Writing poetry helps me take my mind off myself and look outwards and upwards.
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    I love reading other poets and also seeing that they read mine. A person once commented on one of my poems that it brought some peace to their soul. That was the best gift anyone could give. People are so encouraging and so friendly. It feels like home here.

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