Current Events Poem

Looking Forward To The End Of COVID-19

I tried to pen my feelings during these unprecedented times we are living... the social distancing from our loved ones, the fear of the unknown while trying to juggle working from home and at home.

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This Too Shall Pass


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020 with permission of the Author.

I long for the day to leave my den,
To roam the streets by night and day.
To venture out without a fear,
To embrace the ones that I hold dear.

Scrubbed the house and baked some bread,
Mowed the lawn and cleared the shed,
Helped the children with their math,
Helped my neighbor feed the cats.

I try hard to keep at bay
all my worries and concerns.
I restrain my troubled mind
And try to ease my weary heart.

I pray every single day
for humanity to be saved,
And I hope that this will pass,
to continue with my life.

I long for the day to leave my den,
To roam the streets by night and day.
To venture out without a fear,
To embrace the ones that I hold dear.


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