Famous Family Poem

Georgia Douglas Johnson's "The Mother" delves into the depths of maternal love and unspoken anxieties. The poem opens with vivid imagery, depicting a mother soothing her child with a "sad and wild" incantation. This glimpse into the emotional intensity is further emphasized by the mother's brimming compassion and stifled sighs. The use of metaphors like the "world's corroding street" foreshadows the challenges the child will face, while the act of the mother "sandaling his feet" portrays her unwavering support. The final lines, with the contrasting smile and unspoken woe, showcase the mother's strength as she shields her child from her worries.

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Famous Poem

The Mother

By more Georgia Douglas Johnson

The mother soothes her mantled child
With incantation sad and wild;
A deep compassion brims her eye
And stills upon her lips, the sigh.

Her thoughts are leaping down the years,
O'er branding bars, through seething tears,
Her heart is sandaling his feet
Adown the world's corroding street.

Then, with a start she dons a smile
His tender yearnings to beguile,
And only God will ever know
The wordless measure of her woe.


more Georgia Douglas Johnson

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