Aunt Death Poem

Poem Grieving Over Loss Of Aunt

This is for my auntie Erica, who died from a long disease at 28. Auntie, I love and miss you so much, and I will see you again.

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That Last Breath


Published by Family Friend Poems April 11, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Auntie, I miss you and love you so very much.
Every day I go by without your single touch,
It is not over, I won't weep and cry
For it is not the end, I will not say goodbye

Auntie, I miss you and can't believe you're gone
But it's okay Auntie, I will always stay strong,

Auntie, I miss you, and don't you ever worry,
I will see you again someday,
But until then all I can do is pray

Dear God,
Let my auntie know
I know she is with me, 'cause I always see her magical glow.

Auntie. I love you. and though I wish you hadn't left,
I know the pain was gone once you took that last breath.


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