God Poem

The Lord Cares About Every Tear Cried

I find comfort in knowing that every tear collected is cared for and remembered until the day there are no more tears.

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Tear Collector

© more by Jodi M. Kucera

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2022 with permission of the Author.

There's a shelf where many bottles sit,
Each with names in perfectly written print.

My fingers danced among the bottles as I walked the length of the shelf,
When I stumbled upon my name and a man who introduced himself.

A caretaker, carefully tending to each bottle with profound emotion in his eyes,
Told me he was the collector of all the tears that have ever been cried.

He took my bottle from the shelf and clutched it to his chest.
He said, "I collected these in moments that were your worst and your best."

He opened the lid and began to pull them out one by one
And held them gently in the cradle of his palm.

He began to explain what each tear represents
And the memories they held as he took a moment to reflect.

He said, "These tears started my collection at the beginning of your life,"
And with tenderness in his voice he said, "Though I knew many more would be cried.

"These tears were joyous and filled with celebration at accomplishments you made,
While these ones were filled with uncertainty while you quietly hoped and prayed.

"These tears were laden in wordless groans in the struggles that took you to your knees,
But even in those moments, I heard your heart's every plea.

"These tears, well these ones are many, and I held you close as I collected them carefully,
These tears are heavy with grief when loved ones closed their eyes and awoke in eternity.

"You see, though many have been cried, I have collected them all,
For each of them matter to me, no matter how big or how small.

"So I keep them safely on my shelf as I know there are more to collect,
Until the day there is no sorrow and no more tears to be wept."



Jodi is the daughter of an Army Sergeant who taught her love and respect for her country. He’s the reason she started writing. When she found out the month of May is Military Appreciation Month, she started sending “thank you for…” messages every day that were in relation to his service.
One of those messages was her...

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