Poem about Spirituality

Poem About Turning From Crime

I wrote this poem while my husband was incarcerated in county jail where he awaits a prison sentence of 2-6 years. He denounced his title as a gang-member of a big crime family. He did this 'cause he knew he could no longer serve two masters. He did this by putting all his faith in God, knowing he may pay the ultimate price...death. My loving husband knows he may lose his life, but he also knows he will go to heaven.

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One Day At A Time


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

As I embark on a journey to obtain a sound mind,
I ask that I may not leave anyone behind.
I'm told this is the reason for free will, 
And by having faith, we have the power to force demons to be still.
Take heed, for this is not easy.
It's more than being nice and giving to the needy.
It's a constant battle within one's soul.
We must make our hearts warm so they never go cold,
Using our ears so that we may receive instruction,
For defying our Father brings catastrophic destruction.
So be patient, and take it one day at a time.
I'm truly blessed, for I turned from a life of crime...


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