There are some drawn to the ocean,
Its boundless depths and mysteries,
Where crashing breakers sound like thunder,
And gentle breezes kiss the seas,
Where moonlight falls upon the water
Like shards of mirrored glass coalesced,
Pointing souls to far horizons,
Away from trouble and distress.
Hear the ever present rhythm,
Of waters dancing on the shore.
Inviting all to share their sorrow
So joy and peace may be restored.
There are some drawn to the prairie,
Its endless fields of wind-blown grass,
Her wide and open ranges calling
Burdened souls to home at last.
Feel the freedom of the cloudless
Skies that share their heavenly lights,
Shining truth with sun a'glaring,
Beauty, too, in starlit nights.
See the ever present rhythm,
Changing seasons underscore,
All life's toilsome pain and sorrow
So joy and peace may be restored.
There are some drawn to the mountains
Her brooding forests, darkest green.
Craggy cliff and peak majestic
Babbling brook and deep ravine.
See the glory of creation
Heaven reaching, touching earth.
Beauty here will make the heart ache,
Showing her inherent worth.
Know the ever present rhythm
Of the winds where eagles soar
Inviting all to share their sorrow
So joy and peace may be restored.
Nature's Therapy
Published by Family Friend Poems February 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.