Christmas Poem

Poem About Wanting Our House To Be Filled With Love

Holidays are a time for reflection on what could have been and also a time for new resolutions.

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My Christmas Wish


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

Dear Santa,

Christmas is coming, and I know I should be glad,
But to tell the real truth, I am really, really sad.
You see, I have lost something so precious to me,
And there is no way you could put it back under my tree.

I was given a job quite some time ago.
I thought I could do it, but it wasn't so.
I honestly did what I thought was the best,
But this mess, who wouldn't guessed?

I was given a family with daughters to raise.
Oh, how I wish I could relive those days.
I would do it differently, be a better mother.
Maybe then we wouldn't hate each other.

My house is no longer a happy one.
There is no more laughter, no more fun.
No one talks, no one seems to care.
We are all just roommates with a place to share.

I don't really know where things went all wrong.
I truly thought love would keep the family strong.
I realize now that it wasn't enough.
Neither was buying them all kinds of stuff.

Somewhere along the line I believe I've failed.
Instead of love and caring, it's hate that's prevailed.
They have all given up; they don't care anymore,
And it breaks my heart to its very core.

I am tired of crying and feeling so bad.
I want things to be happy and no longer be sad.
I want my family back; is that too much to ask?
I don't really think it's an impossible task.

Just talk to the girls and make them believe
That together there is nothing we can't achieve.
We can be a family again; I know and I pray.
They are just lost; please show them the way.

Dear Santa, I hope that you hear my plea
And bring my family back to me.
I would be ever so grateful and I promise I'd be
A better mother than I'd been previously.


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