Garden Poem

My Enchanting Garden

I wrote this poem while sitting in the garden last summer. It describes my garden beautifully with a little added fantasy.

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Inside My Garden Gate

© more by Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020 with permission of the Author.

How I love my little garden, where I sit and contemplate.
My perfect piece of paradise inside my garden gate.
Hanging baskets, pretty pots, the flowers are brimming over.
The grass so green, the buttercups, the daisies, and the clover.

Honeysuckle and jasmine giving off its sweet perfume.
Pretty lilies open wide, rose bushes in full bloom.
In summer they stand tall and proud as the buds turn into flowers.
I sit and watch as they all flourish and while away the hours.

I see the little fledglings nesting high up in the trees.
Bees in and out the bushes with their variegated leaves,
Where they gather all the pollen, then soar into the sky.
They're heading home at speed, returning to the hive.

The melody of the wind chimes as they tinkle in the breeze
Interwoven with gossamer cobwebs, at night the spider weaves.
The sunshine sparkles on the pond where the water lilies grow.
Golden fish and tadpoles swimming safely down below.

It's all so very peaceful relaxing in the sun
Where the butterflies flutter by having so much fun.
The sun goes down and darkness falls, the moon is big and bold,
Where all that live in the garden have a story to be told.

The little gnomes are watching the pixies and the sprites
Dancing by the wishing well, aglow with fairy lights.
I can sit here contemplating until it's very late
In this magical piece of paradise, inside my garden gate.



Born in Devon in 1954 I am coming up for 65 years old, the mother if 8, grandmother of 30 and great grand mother of 7 with 3 more due very soon. I live with my two little dogs Tia and Poppy in a lovely little bungalow, surrounded by flowers, birds, bees and butterflies in Colchester Essex. Apart from poetry I love to knit and collect dolls....

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