Environment Poem

Climate Change And Its Effects

This is the raw, unedited version of the first and the only poem I had ever written. Considering that I'm no writer, I loved the way this turned out, and hopefully it will pave the way to a new journey.

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In The Whirlwind Of Destruction

Surbhi ©

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2022 with permission of the Author.

The temperature is fluctuating,
She could feel.
The scars are intensifying
and so is Her incapability to heal.

To rejuvenate feels tiresome
as they exploit Her to the maximum
While they prosper
And leave Her struggling
With bare minimum.

The wide, abundant ocean,
Which hides an assortment of things exotic,
Is now trashed with wastes, causing commotion
Among those aquatic.

The smog clings to Her,
Leading to her ineludible destruction.
Despite this, She strains
For the survival of every human.

The chemicals cut through Her core
Like knives.
How is life supposed to carry on
When they rage war against
What keeps them alive
And helps them thrive?

Seeing Her own people demolish
And disfigure her features
Saddens Her with a grief enormous
But a flame courses through her,
Wanting recompense from these ungrateful creatures.

She lets the fire fuel Her
And unfurls it from within Her.
Settlements are razed to the ground
While they are compelled to flee their compound.

She thrashes Her arms around
Letting the sea out of its confines
And submerge the cities renown;
Death tolls and devastation make the headlines.

Dried up ground under their feet,
Blazing sun taunting with its heat.
Their eyes stare ahead
At the stumps that they once behead.

"Global warming," one says
"Sea level's rising," another follows
"So what's the solution?" others query.
Opinions put forth, agreements are signed,
Responsibilities for change are assigned.

But as the race for dominance arise
Responsibilities to environment are set aside
Resources are used to its fullest
Technology is upgraded to its best.

And so is pollution, as it prevails
More persistently
And environment derails
More consistently.

War against nature is a battle
Already lost.
The nature fights back with ire,
The cost
Of which would be dire.
Let's own up to our mistakes
And join hands 'cause higher are the stakes
When it involves precious lives in line.


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