Valentine's Day Poem to Him

Valentine Poem For A Friend

This was made out of an inspiration to the boy I really like. He makes me laugh, and I feel real normal around him, like I can be myself. That's the way I can tell this is a good bond. Even though sometimes I'll sock him on the arm every now and then, he's still real sweet!

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I Wish You Were Mine

© more by Jenna

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2013 with permission of the Author.

Of all the things,
I've wanted the most,
it's a simple, sweet card,
not ice cream or toast!

You brighten my day,
just know that you do.
I am ever so lucky
to have a friend such as you.

You make me laugh
until my sides split.
And even though I may doubt you,
you give me that lift!

So if a poem's what you're wanting,
or a simple sweet card,
just know that every day, all the time,
I'm always wishing THAT YOU COULD BE MINE!


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