Dream Poem

Poem: Dream Of Hope In Racial Reconciliation

Rhythmic poem suggesting hope in the area of racial relations. Seven stanzas relating different aspects of how this hope is seen and realized in a single person's dream. Personal experience has been that many wish for the same but there are also those who foster continual hatred among the races. This poem is for those who have held on to a measure of hope despite experiences that might lead them to become hopeless.

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I Had A Dream

© more by Curtiss L. Hayes

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2022 with permission of the Author.

I had a dream
gathered up steam
and then just kept right on rolling
That black and white
no longer did fight
but unity both were extolling

I had a dream
built self-esteem
as I was bold and courageous
I made black and white
walk toward the light
and nobody thought it outrageous

I had a dream
making me deem
giving my life to the cause, providing
Both black and white
scale the height
And climb over the wall that's dividing

I had a dream
strong as a beam
sturdy and steady as can be
Saw black and white
holding on tight
To the vision that U.S. does mean we

I had a dream
we were a team 
Looking out for one or the other
Black and white
with all their might
helping and loving one another

I had a dream
made it seem
I should put what I dreamt in a letter
For black and white
did what was right
things couldn't be any better

I had a dream
cookies and cream
were on the menu that day
Because black and white
are precious in his sight
and they will be together someday


more by Curtiss L. Hayes

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