Nature Poem for Kids

A cute little poem for children about bugs.

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Hey, Little Bug!


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2017 with permission of the Author.

Hey, little stick bug
Clinging to a stem.
Where did you come from?
How did you land?

Hey, little lady bug
Sitting on my nose.
How did you get your wings,
Red as a rose?

Hey, little bumble bee.
Why is your bum so pointy?
Please don't sting me.

Hey, little marching ants.
Where are you going?
He, he, he, on my pants,
So tickly.

Hey, little butterfly
Soaring through the sky.
Would you land on my finger
And say hi and bye?

Hey, little spider
Spinning your web.
Do you come out to play
When we all go to bed?

Hey, little lightning bug
Flying through the night.
Be my guide
So I can follow your light.

Hey, little beetle.
Why do you creak
On my windowsill
While I'm trying to sleep?

Mama, Mama, come and see
All the little bugs
Playing with me.


visit Tai-Shona Britto's site

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