Animal Poem for Kids

Cute Poem About Observing Animals In Nature

I went for a walk yesterday, and I saw five little ducklings on the river near my house. They inspired me to write this children's poem.

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Five Little Ducklings

Bettina Van Vaerenbergh © more by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2022 with permission of the Author.

Five little ducklings in a row, oh how neat!
Paddling in the water with their tiny duckling feet.
Close to mother duck they always, always stay,
Just in case some danger or other comes their way.
They're quack-quacking with tiny duckling beaks
That shut only whenever mother speaks.
And sometimes you can see, it's true, I swear,
How ten little feet suddenly go up in the air!
The ducklings go split, splat, quack, quack,
Diving and munching happily on a yummy snack.
Once in a while, when they expect it the least,
They find a piece of bread, and they have a feast!
With their bellies full, well done is the day’s task…
What more could little ducklings ask?
The sun goes down, it's high time now to sleep
Under mother's safe wings on the river so deep,
Because tomorrow there's a brand new day -
For diving and snacking and quack-quacking away!



Bettina Van Vaerenbergh lives in Belgium, a small country in Europe. She and her husband are happily married. They have one grown daughter, and they share their home with an adorable poodle. Her passions are Jesus, cooking great food, long nature walks, Belgian chocolate, and reading and writing poetry. She’d love to touch other people with her...

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