Hope Poem

Pushing Through Dark Times

My poem is to remind people that even when everything seems dark and hopeless, you can move on because though you might not see it at first, the light is always there.

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Dominate The Day


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2022 with permission of the Author.

Dark forests are filled with birds and trees
Sun shines through the clouds with ease
There might be darkness, but the light won't cease
To dominate the day.

Without the dark, there would be no light
With the day also comes the night
To be brave you must first experience fright
And remember that there is always a way.

You can't have happiness without the pain
The rainbow comes after the rain
It's never too late to switch lanes
Ask yourself - where does your heart lay?

You can't find something without it being lost
Beautiful things come at the highest cost
Before the sunny weather comes the frost
Work goes first, then play.

Trouble surrounds the eye of the storm
Somewhere it's cold, somewhere it's warm
Great occasions come in all different forms
What do your instincts say?

You might think you're alone, but you are not
We've all been through our own battles fought
Your greatest enemy and best friend are your thoughts
Know that you will be okay

The most beautiful eyes shine with the most tears
The most courageous heroes have faced the most fears
The ones who haven't given up have come very near
But they've all still managed
But you have still managed
But we have all still managed
To dominate the day.


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