Abuse Poem

Conversation With Inner Self About Abuse

I wrote this poem as an homework assignment. During this time period I was still struggling with guilt and comforting my inner child after years of sexual abuse. So, I decided to have a conversation with her and this was the result.

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Conversation With Her

© more by Kayla L. Jenkins

Published by Family Friend Poems June 11, 2024 with permission of the Author.

I never thought I would have this conversation with you.
Listen, you were only 10 and didn't know what to do.
You did the best you could from the choices you had to chose.
It wasn't your fault.
You were the victim of his assault.
You were terrified, paralyzed, and confused.
The more you refused, the more he was amused.
Your trust, he misused.
You didn't deserve to be abused.

I'm so sorry for all you had to endure.
I'm sorry you felt impure.
I'm sorry I left you looking for a cure.
I'm so sorry that I blamed you.

I never thought I would have this conversation with you.
Now, you're 26 and looking for a clue.
Your soul yearns for the truth.
You're in therapy discovering the root.
Listen, you didn't do anything wrong.
You were a little girl forced to be strong.
You were left to carry this burden alone.

I'm so sorry for abandoning you.
I'm sorry you suffered in silence.
I'm sorry I couldn't be your alliance.
I'm so sorry that I blamed you.

I never thought I would have this conversation with you.
Since you are me and I am you!

more by Kayla L. Jenkins

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