Environment Poem

A Call To Care For The Earth

I always look for the good in people, and I have a very positive perspective on life. I see miracles everywhere, and this is why I find it so difficult to go there, into the darkness. It is there, and it gets stronger with each year that passes. I don't like what, as a race, we are becoming.

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A Wonderful Yesterday

Wendy Evans © more by Wendy Evans

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2022 with permission of the Author.

Mother Earth, she weeps, but her tears are all in vain.
Men who seek profit and power will never feel guilt or shame.

What is happening to our world? Wake up and see what we have done.
The pollution that fills our air is now blocking out the sun.

We carelessly chop down our trees at such an alarming rate.
Nothing left to purify our air; is our existence left to fate?

Who will pollinate our plants when we kill off all the bees?
What will be left of our oceans when we contaminate all our seas?

Majestic animals that share our world, men track them down to kill,
Not for any particular purpose, they hunt them for the thrill.

Beautiful beasts that once roamed our lands free,
Reduced to decomposing carcasses hunted for a fee.

Our marine life is being poisoned by all our toxic waste.
Plastics dumped in mass for all our fish to taste.

Mountains of our garbage, in our oceans we do store,
Then watch in silence as the blood-drenched waves break angrily on the shore,

And with it, all the decaying corpses from once an abundant sea of the living,
A sea that kept us fed, a sea that kept on giving.

Without all these things, we cannot survive.
Each link has a purpose in the circle of life, and they keep us alive.

Our planet is our mother; we live in her womb.
She provides for all life; let's not make her our tomb.



I work as part of the industrialization and development team for a global luxury brand. I love nature and feel connected to the world around me. I am the kind of person who sees miracles everywhere in a, sometimes unforgiving, world. I believe that happiness is a state of mind that everyone can achieve, given the right mind-set. I have a kind...

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