Prayer Poem

A Final Plea For Help

With all the emotions in my head, I feel like I can’t breathe, but no one would ever guess because I never talk about it. I wish I could, but I don’t know how. Only God knows, and this poem is a prayer I wrote to the guy on my side. But some days it’s hard to feel God’s love, and some days I come close to giving up. I pray that I keep my promise and that I keep pushing on, but it’s so, so hard. To anyone else out there feeling this way, give it a read, say a prayer, and don’t give up. We got this!

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A Prayer By Me

© more by Cm

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2018 with permission of the Author.

No one knows what I feel today
Or that I'm dying inside.
No one knows the pain I'm in,
For it's nothing a smile can't hide.

If I could find the words to tell,
I'd get help in a second.
But there are no words to explain
My pain and my heart that it's wreckin'.

So I beg thee, Lord God of all
Who sees the struggle I'm in,
To stay by me with your grace
And keep me from giving in.

I promise you that I'll fight on
And that I will survive,
But every day I lose some hope
That's been keeping me alive.

I need your help so earnestly, Lord,
And I need your love today.
But I also ask if it be your will,
Please take the pain away.


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