Thank you again for reading my poems and commenting. I love the poems you have written.
We seem to have a mutual poetic connection even though we are an ocean apart. Thank you so much. Best wishes, Susan
Such a touching story with a perfect ending. As you say, holding out a helping hand to those in need can achieve wonders. Very best wishes, Ann.
i'd love to have the pleasure of reading a book of yours
I empathize with you and most assuredly feel your pain. My dad first got Prostate Cancer, then Esophageal Cancer (was in coma for 31 days) and finally died 2007 of Lung Cancer. Sad, I know but there is a silver lining. Dad was a preacher for many years and in September 2006 I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I have a cassette tape of one of his sermons where he asked the church to pray, with him, for God to heal me and take him instead. Next checkup, no sign of cancer. Dad died September 2007 of cancer. I've had both Prostate and Lung Cancer since then and am still here. Only God knows why.
Hello Ann,
Thank you again for your kind and encouraging words. I dedicated this poem to my dearest father who passed away at the age of 98. You are NOT elderly! Best wishes from across the way. Susan
I too have always loved this poem and agree wholeheartedly with its overriding message. Ann
I just love your work, as I've said so often before. I hate to think of you ever feeling down, as you do so much to lift up others with your writing. All the very best, Ann.
Speaking as an elderly person myself, I found your poem very touching. All the best, Ann.
How lovely to read a poem which brought a smile to my face. Thank you. Best wishes, Ann.
A very special poem - you make it clear that family matters above all. Very best wishes, Ann.