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Poems Of Apology And Regret To Family
  • Published: December 2022

I'm Sorry Family Poems

I'm Sorry Family Poems

When you live in close proximity with other human beings there will be many times that you will offend each other. Families inevitably hurt each other from time to time. Saying "I'm sorry" are the two words that can repair your relationship. Without apologies the bad feelings are allowed to grow until eventually they grow into something so big and ugly that it is almost impossible to repair. It is difficult to humble ourselves and admit that that we may have made a mistake. However, when you think about the repercussions of not making a simple apology, you will realize that it's worth the effort.

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  • Poems 10
Poems About Joyful Childhood Memories
  • Published: December 2022

Poems About Childhood Friendships

Poems About Childhood Friendships

There are some friendships that we remember forever. These are the friendships that were formed when we were children. The quality of sharing is not the same as in adult friendships. However, in a certain way the friendship has a deeper quality. It probably lacked that drama and intensity that is shared in adult friendships. At the same time there is a certain carefree quality that exists between two young children at play. They don't ask themselves complicated questions like whether they have enough in common. It is enough that they are two kids and that there is playing to be done.

This collection of poems celebrates the joy and wonder of childhood memories. From playing outside with friends to holidays with family, these poems capture the magic and innocence of growing up. Whether you're looking to reminisce on your own childhood or share a bit of nostalgia with loved ones, these poems are sure to bring a smile to your face.

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  • Poems 4
Famous Poems On The Human Experience And Life's Journey
  • Published: December 2022

Famous Life Poems

Famous Life Poems

Since the dawn of civilization, artists of all forms have sought to express the essence of the human condition and the full range of human experience. Poetry has been one of the most common forms of this expression from the ancients until now. These words have an ability to capture the abstract emotions and concrete experiences that have been part of our humanity throughout the ages. Turning to the words of classic poems can help us to clarify and understand our own experiences better by connecting us to those others who have sought to do the same.

This collection of famous poems explores the human experience and the journey of life. From love and loss to joy and sorrow, these poems delve into the emotions and challenges that shape our lives. Whether you're seeking inspiration or a deeper understanding of the world around you, these poems offer a poignant and thought-provoking look at the human condition.

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  • Poems 30
Poems Celebrating Love On Valentine's Day: Poems For The Solo Soul
  • Published: December 2022

Valentines Day Alone Poems

Valentines Day Alone Poems

Being alone while everyone is celebrating love in their lives can be an incredibly lonely and depressing experience. Valentine's Day is a time for sharing our love with those who are important to us. Not having someone to share this with does not mean, however, that we cannot also participate. All of us have people who are meaningful and special to us, these people can become an outlet for expressing our love and sharing in the festivities of celebrating love. In this way, Valentine's Day can be a time for sharing love with others even if not the traditional expression.

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  • Poems 8
Favorite Poems From Top Poets On Family Friend Poems
  • Published: February 2022

Featured Published Poets

Featured Published Poets

Family Friend Poems would not exist without our wonderful poets. We’ve had the honor of publishing poems from thousands of poets, and we are thankful for each of them for sharing their hearts with our poetry community. We are incredibly grateful for the poets who have been faithful contributors over the years. They consistently submit high-quality poems that we publish, and they engage with our community by leaving comments on other poets’ work.

We are excited to say “thank you” by showcasing favorite poems by our top poets. These poems have been hand-selected by the poets themselves. We had the opportunity to interview each poet to learn more about why a particular poem means so much to them. We also found out where they get their writing inspiration, why they love poetry, and their favorite experience from being published on Family Friend Poems. The interviews can be found on each poem page in this collection. 

Thanks again to everyone who makes Family Friend Poems a community that shares the highs and lows of life. Let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the poets who vulnerably share their hearts with the world. 

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  • Poems 20
Children's Poems On Twitter And Instagram
  • Published: October 2021

Children's Poetry On Social Media

Children's Poetry On Social Media

Children's poetry is a fun and engaging way to teach children about language. It can be used to make children laugh or inspire them to chase their dreams. Some poems are silly, while others are motivational and teach essential life lessons. You don't have to be a child to enjoy children's poetry. 

Many poets share their work on their social media accounts. We have collected some of our favorite children's poems from Instagram and Twitter with the poets' permission.

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  • Poems 43
Poems About Remembering September 11th
  • Published: September 2021

September 11th Poems

September 11th Poems

On September 11, 2001, the unthinkable happened as terrorists attacked the United States. Nearly 3,000 people died as a result. Terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City and one into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. A fourth plane did not reach its intended destination. The courageous passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 fought to regain control of the aircraft, and it crashed in Western Pennsylvania. 

May we remember all the people who lost their lives that fateful Tuesday morning and those who've had to live with the lingering effects. May we also remember how we came together as a country to support one another. We thank all the brave men and women who were first responders that day and the military personnel who fought to keep us safe. We will not forget!

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  • Poems 5
Poems Raising Awareness About Suicide
  • Published: August 2021

Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide Prevention Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. It's a month dedicated to raising awareness about suicide and sharing hope for those affected by it. It's a month to help destigmatize this widespread and heartbreaking topic.

Often, people don't want their lives to end; they just wish the pain they're experiencing in life would end. Life can become overwhelming for people of all ages. Unfortunately, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health, suicide is the second leading cause of death of people ages 10-34. 

Suicide has a far-reaching effect. When someone chooses to end his or her life, the people connected to that person are left to grieve. Many times, they also live with guilt and have questions that will never be answered. 

We hope that by shedding light on this topic through poetry, people can see that they're not alone. May we come together and help those who are hurting -- both the people experiencing suicidal thoughts and those who have lost loved ones to suicide. 

Many people have felt hopeless at some point. You are not alone. This is not a battle you have to fight by yourself. Let’s encourage one another.

If you are hurting, please reach out to someone. If you feel like you are drowning with everything happening around you and you wonder how you will go on, there are people who want to help. If you have been thinking about ending your life, we urge you to reach out. In the United States, you can contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. There is hope!

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  • Poems 32
Missing Dad On Father's Day Poems
  • Published: May 2021

Grief On Father's Day

Grief On Father's Day

Father’s Day is a day to celebrate fathers and their influence in the lives of their children. But for many, Father’s Day becomes a difficult holiday after you’ve lost your dad. You wish you had more time with him, more time to learn from him, more time to love him. You’re not alone. Many other people also grieve the absence of their fathers.

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  • Poems 12
Missing Mom On Mother's Day Poems
  • Published: May 2021

Grief On Mother's Day

Grief On Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate and honor the dedication and contribution of a mother. She is an integral part of her family, but Mother’s Day can be a difficult holiday for many people who’ve lost their moms. It’s a reminder of the void that has been left after her passing. It can be a holiday that’s filled with a lot of grief because you wish you had more time to spend with her.

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  • Poems 15
Scary Halloween Poems
  • Published: October 2020

Spooky Halloween Poems

Spooky Halloween Poems

Halloween is a fun holiday, but it can also have elements of darkness. Some people enjoy the spookiness of it. They enjoy being frightened by paranormal activity, haunted houses, witches, death, spirits, and scary movies. These poems are for people who like the terrifying aspects of Halloween.

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  • Poems 17
Fun Halloween Poems For Kids
  • Published: October 2020

Halloween Poems For Kids

Halloween Poems For Kids

Halloween is a fun holiday for children. They get to dress up and pretend to be their favorite characters while filling their buckets with sweet treats. These poems have a fun, child-like element to celebrate Halloween.

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  • Poems 23
Poems About Pregnancy And Infant Loss
  • Published: October 2020

Pregnancy And Infant Loss Awareness Month - October

Pregnancy And Infant Loss Awareness Month - October

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This awareness month was first declared on October 15, 1988, by President Ronald Reagan. It's a month to remember the babies we never got to hold in our arms or the babies that left this earth too soon. The pain can be unbearable for parents who experience this void in their lives.

Loss due to miscarriages, stillbirths, SIDS, and other infant deaths are not always talked about. Many people who suffer miscarriages don't share the news openly, causing them to wrestle with the pain without others knowing. Share your story. The darkness you walked through can shine a light for someone else going through the same thing.

We hope that you will see that you are not alone by reading these poems on pregnancy and infant loss. We encourage you to do something to keep the memory of your baby alive. Even if you never held your baby in your arms, their short life had meaning, and they will always be a part of your family.

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  • Poems 39
Poems About Domestic Abuse
  • Published: October 2020

Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October

Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October

Domestic violence is more prevalent than many realize. People on the outside might not always see it, but far too many people live a nightmare with an abusive spouse or significant other. People are living in fear of the person who is supposed to love them. They are living through situations that bring harm to them physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and it’s a chance to educate the public about this terrible reality. If you are in an abusive relationship, there is hope for you. You are strong, and you are worth so much more than your current situation. There are people who long to help you. We encourage you to reach out to someone you trust or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233). Someone is waiting to talk to you and help you take the next step to break free from an abusive relationship. We hope that by reading the stories of these poets, you see that you are not alone.

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  • Poems 14
Poems About Fighting Breast Cancer
  • Published: October 2020

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

Millions of women are fighting a battle with breast cancer, and hundreds of thousands more are diagnosed with it every year. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to spread awareness and educate people about this disease. During October, women are encouraged to get screened. People also share their stories about how they or their loved ones have been affected by breast cancer. Hearing stories from those who have walked this journey are a reminder that you are not alone. Millions of people have walked it or are currently going through this battle. May we lean on one another during times of need. And may we rally around those whose lives have been impacted by cancer.

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  • Poems 6
Short Poems About Heartbreak
  • Published: October 2020

Short Sad Love Poems

Short Sad Love Poems

When we give someone our heart, there is always a chance it will get broken. We never want that to be the outcome, but too often it is. Dealing with a breakup or unrequited love is crushing. These short poems capture the despair experienced when a relationship does not work out. Even though these poems are short, the expressed emotions are powerful. Dealing with heartbreak is always a heavy and draining experience. We hope these poems remind you that you’re not alone.

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  • Poems 39
Favorite Poems From Instagram
  • Published: September 2020

Featured Poets Of Instagram

Featured Poets Of Instagram

There are many different types of poetry forms. Some poems are long and have multiple rhyming stanzas. Others are short and succinct with no rhyme scheme. Each type creates a different reading experience and evokes different emotions.

This collection is filled with poems from some of our favorite Instagram poets. These poets are talented in their art and write directly from the heart. The raw emotions in their poetry can clearly be seen.

They have given us permission to share their poems with our readers. Many of these poets have published their own books of poetry. Although these poems are short, they are powerful.

Sharing poetry with others is a very personal experience. It means baring your soul for the world to see, but poetry brings hope and healing. For the reader, it’s always comforting to read a piece that makes you realize you’re not alone. It’s comforting to know someone else understands.

We hope you find poems that speak directly to you. May you be encouraged by these short pieces!

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  • Poems 142
Poems About The COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Published: April 2020

Pandemic Poems

Pandemic Poems

The world is facing an unprecedented health crisis. COVID-19 has spread across the globe, bringing with it sickness, death, uncertainty, anxiety, and economic upheaval. The world has stopped like never before. Businesses are closed, and schools have moved to online platforms. Social distancing is the norm, and no one knows when the end of the virus will come. Living in the midst of incredible uncertainty takes its toll on people. But may we use this time to focus on the most important things and slow down in a way we’ve never been forced to do before. 

Daily life looks very different, and this pandemic has impacted everybody in some way. You are not alone in what you are facing. The fears that rise to the surface are felt by billions of people around the world. We are all in this together. Even though the storm is raging right now, famous poet Maya Angelou once said, “Every storm runs out of rain.”

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  • Poems 20
Poems About Reminiscing On Childhood
  • Published: April 2020

Childhood Memories

Childhood Memories

Growing up is inevitable. No matter how much we want to hold onto our childhood, life is going to move forward. At some point, our childhood becomes something we look back on instead of something we’re currently experiencing. Each generation’s childhood is marked with different characteristics. No matter how old you are, it seems that every generation believes life was slower and sometimes better than daily life today. This is a collection of poems about those simpler times. The poems are filled with sentimental longing for the days gone by. What fond memories do you have from your childhood? For a moment, take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce about the good old days. They might be just a memory now, but what a beautiful memory they are. They are a reminder of glorious days, the days that made you who you are today.

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  • Poems 18
Powerful Poems By Women Poets For Women's History Month
  • Published: March 2020

Women's History Month

Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month. It's a time to celebrate the important role women have had throughout history. It originally began as Women's History Week back on March 7, 1982. The first month-long celebration occurred in 1987.

Women have had and continue to have integral roles in a variety of fields. Each year, the National Women's History Alliance names a theme of Women's History Month to highlight all that women have done.

We all are familiar with famous women in our nation's history. But many women in our personal circles have also demonstrated strength, courage, and character. They are trailblazers and pioneers in their own right. Let's celebrate them this month. Be sure to share one of these inspirational poems with a woman in your life. Don't forget to thank her for the difference she is making in the lives of others.

This collection also includes poems written by famous women poets.

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  • Poems 44

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