Personification Poems

Below are Examples of poems that showcase the literary device of personification, but first let's talk about Personification:
What Is Personification?
Personification is when you give human attributes (characteristics) to the object that is being personified. The objects are not human, and in many cases, they're not even living things.
Why Use Personification in Poetry?
- Personification can be used to emphasize a point in your writing.
- It can also be used to make a reader understand something you're trying to say.
- Personification is a way to add more description to your poem by giving human characteristics to inanimate objects.
Examples of Personification in Poetry:
- The breeze kissed my cheek.
- When I got home from school my dog smiled at me.
- The blanket wrapped its arms around me.
- Rays of sunshine danced through the trees.
- The chainsaw hummed a tune.
Poem Personification Template - Try It Yourself
This poem is a great representation of personification because it makes winter seem human.
If winter were a person, she would be a girl with frosty hair.
Winter would wear snow pants, snow boots, gloves, a hat, and scarf.
Winter would smell like hot chocolate and peanut butter and Hershey Kiss cookies baking in the oven.
Winter would spend the day eating cookies and drinking hot cocoa by a lake.
Winter would spend the night by sitting in the snow waiting for morning so children could come out to play.
Download: Personification Poem Template (PDF)
Try writing your own personification poem by thinking of a season and describing it as though it's a person by using characteristics of the season to describe what it would wear, smell like, and spend time doing.